Recommendations for digital technology providers
on how to better support online and hybrid learning
for lower-secondary schools
Output type: Methodology / guideline
Developed between: 2022-06-01 – 2023-02-28
Lead organisation: Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Media: Online publication
Languages: English
Our recommendations for digital technology providers

Throughout the project we collect the experience of Austrian, Estonian, Finnish and Romanian teachers with the EdTech they have encountered, starting from basic (merely textbook substituting) applications to more advanced levels, using the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) model of EdTech integration. Our attention was directed on how technology can enhance teaching and learning in a hybrid learning environment.
To become truly industry-changing for learners and educators, EdTech needs to be developed and applied correctly. For this reason, the future of education relies on an ongoing dialogue between educators and educational institutions and professionals in the tech world.
Teachers involved in development and testing activities provided ongoing feedback on the technological tools and systems they encounter. The innovative feature of this output lies in the systematic, real-time feedback that these primary users provided to software developers. The whole process was facilitated by the project team, resulting in a guidance document aimed at education technology developers.