MOOC – Making hybrid learning efficient
and engaging
Output Type: Open / online /digital education – Open
Education Resource (OER)
Developed between: 2021-08-01 – 2022-09-30
Lead organisation: Casa Corpului Didactic “Apáczai Csere János”, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
Media: Workspace, MOOC, website
Languages: English, Romanian, Hungarian
The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) serves as learning platform for all teachers that need to develop their digital pedagogical competencies and improve their teaching practices towards assuring an efficient and enjoyable hybrid learning-teaching process.
The MOOC is dedicated to teachers and teacher- trainers and its content has been piloted as a resource and training material in a transnational blended in-service teacher training course, as well as in local teacher trainings in each country.

It can be used as a stand-alone individual learning programme.
The MOOC is structured on 8 MODULES and 18 UNITS, each units including a short introduction, an instructional video, links to Open Educational Resource (OER) relevant to the topics, self-reflection questions and short assignments.
The topics of the MOOC:
MODULE 1. Fostering wellbeing in hybrid learning environments
MODULE 2. How to engage your learners in Zoom
MODULE 3. How to use interactive flat panel to make your hybrid teaching more engaging
MODULE 4. Collaborative Approach in Educational Leadership and STEAM Integration in Hybrid Learning
MODULE 5. Effective teaching tools to employ in hybrid teaching and learning
MODULE 6. Teaching in the physical and virtual classroom: Using GeoGebra as a hybrid learning environment
MODULE 7. Student cooperation and team-work in online and hybrid context
MODULE 8. Where do teachers find support (co-teaching, educational technologists, student assistants)
The pilot course incorporated a short-term study visit and on-site course module at the Tallinn University, Estonia in September 2022.