• English
  • Română
  • Magyar

Dear training participant,

Thank you for participating in the course provided by the ERASMUS+ project “Free-ED” https://free-ed.eu.

The answers you provide will give us feedback regarding your experience in the course to create further learning content based on the individual needs. 

The answers, your name and contact details will be treated as the strictest confidential information and will be converted into numerical form as soon as the forms are received where it is possible. In the data analysis, the data will be anonymised and no contact details will be revealed at any stage of the research or when publishing results. Thus, respondents cannot be identified at any stage of the research. The results of the research will be presented in congresses, seminars and scientific publications. The research follows a high ethical principle, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), set by European Union. 

If you have any questions related to the questionnaire, please do not hesitate to contact Csilla Lazar from the Spektrum Educational Center Foundation (Romania), leading organisation of the Free-ED consortium.

Overall information

  1. Your name: 
  2. e-mail address: 

Assessment part

(End-of-Course Evaluation scale)

  1. Please rate the following statements on a scale from 1 – 5, with 1 being strongly disagree and 7 being strongly agree.
    1. The course objectives and expectations were clear.
    2. I gained an understanding of various aspects of hybrid education.
    3. I developed skills or learned concepts that I can apply to my classroom.
    4. I am able to think more critically or deeply about hybrid education.
    5. The course met my expectations.
    6. The course tasks helped me to improve myself about hybrid teaching.
    7. Videos and other course materials were helpful to understand solutions that veóarious teachers successfully applied to embrace hybrid teaching.
    8. The course provided enough opportunities for me to demonstrate what I had learned.

(Training needs scale)

  1. How much were you satisfied with the training in the following areas? (1. Very dissatisfied, 2. dissatisfied, 3. Neutral, 4. Satisfied, 5. Very Satisfied, 6. I have not followed this specific module of the course.)
    1. (A) Considerations regarding learning environments that foster well-being
    2. (B) Video conference settings for high quality image and sound
    3. (C) Enhancing your hybrid teaching practices by using a flat panel
    4. (D) Collaborative approaches and the benefits of prosociality in educational leadership
    5. (E) Using technical tools for differentiation
    6. (F) Hybrid teaching with Geogebra
    7. (G) Creative engagement using STEAM activities in hybrid environments.
    8. (G) Learner cooperation in hybrid learning environments
    9. (H) Co-teaching in online and hybrid environments

(Teacher self-efficacy for hybrid education)

  1. To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree)
    1. I have a clear overview of the aspects to take into consideration regarding a learning environment that fosters well-being
    2. I know how to set up my video conferencing app for a compelling online/ hybrid lesson.
    3. I think how and for what purpose to use a flat panel.
    4. I know the advantages of collaborative leadership in education.
    5. I know how to engage students in STEAM activities in online and hybrid learning.
    6. I know how to use technical tools for differentiation.
    7. I know how Geogebra can be used for hybrid education.
    8. I know how to efficiently manage small groups cooperation in hybrid learning environments.
    9. I know how to organise co-teaching in hybrid learning context.
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