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Free-ED Conference: Teacher Well-being and Digital Balance

10.00 – 11.50 PLENARY LECTURES (Bolyai Hall, 2nd floor):

10.00 – 10.15 Ferencz Salamon Alpár: Free-ED – a flexible framework for hybrid learning

10.15 – 10.25 Lázár Csilla: Digiloping Teachers – a refresher course for the development of teachers’ digital competences according to the DigCompEdu framework

10.25 – 11.50 Jukka Sinnemäki: Reflection and Awareness – Balance in our lives with or without technology (hybrid interactive presentation in English and Hungarian, simultaneously translated into Romanian)

11.50 – 12.10 Coffee break – 3rd floor – catering area in the hall of the Aula Magna.


Section A: Tamás Majzik: Robots in primary education, development of thinking skills (in Hungarian) – SCIENTIA Hall, etj. I.

Section B: Melinda Gidró and Zsolt Portik: Digitally supported collaboration for students and teachers, welfare issues (in Hungarian) – CONCORDIA Hall, 1st floor.

Section C: Gál-Iankó Kata, Kolumbán Krisztina, Zsigmond Ilka: Beyond Lapland, beyond digitisation – conclusions after a school visit to Finland (Digiloping project) (in Hungarian, with simultaneous translation into Romanian) – BOLYAI Hall, 2nd floor.

Section D: Emese Márk:
Meditation, Conscious Presence (REVELATIO room, ground floor)
Dénes Gyarmati: 3D Printing (in Hungarian) (NEUMANN Hall, 1st floor)

13.10 – 14.00 Buffet lunch – 3rd floor – catering area in the hall of the Aula Magna.


Section A: Majzik Tamás: Robots in primary education, development of thinking skills (in Hungarian, with simultaneous translation into Romanian)- SCIENTIA Hall, etj. I.

Section B: Gidró Melinda and Portik Zsolt: Digitally supported collaboration for students and teachers, welfare issues (in Hungarian) – CONCORDIA Hall, 1st floor.

Section C: Gál-Iankó Kata, Kolumbán Krisztina, Zsigmond Ilka: Beyond Lapland, beyond digitisation – conclusions after a school visit to Finland (Digiloping project) (in Hungarian) BOLYAI Hall, 2nd floor.

Section D:
Emese Márk: Meditation, conscious presence (REVELATIO room, ground floor)
Dénes Gyarmati: 3D printing (in Romanian) (NEUMANN Hall, 1st floor)

15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break – 3rd floor – catering area in the hall of the Aula Magna.

15.15-16.00 Hybrid discussion with section moderators and Jukka Sinnemäki (Bolyai Hall, 2nd floor)

16.00 – 16.15 Tódor Imre: Assessment of the digital competence level of teachers in Covasna county during Covid 19 (Bolyai Hall)
16.15 – 16.40 Digital Angel Award Ceremony (Bolyai Hall, 2nd floor)

Registration form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeJrtBaovtJQMbhbyH0hYAWnF3Mi5-qY4_2_moBTOFlOTq6Hw/viewform?usp=share_link

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